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  • Does Fircrest Behavioral Health accept insurance?
    The rates at Fircrest Behavioral Health vary with each of our counselors. While some of our providers are able to accept your insurance benefits as in-network, we unfortunately do not accept state health insurance. Please view a counselors page to see what specific insurance providers are accepted by each one. Find more insurance details and payment options here.
  • What should I expect for the first session?
    Neurofeedback: The first session involves a continuance performance test (which measures sustained attention and response time), full medical history, and a communication of what the client would like to work on through the sessions. The goal of this session is to set the groundwork for future sessions and give the technician information in order to develop an accurate and personalized protocol for each client. Counseling: Before the first session, the client will receive intake paperwork including: limits of confidentiality, informed consent to treat, personal disclosure statement, and the office policies. The counselor will then read through the intake so they have an understanding of what the client wants to work on in advance to the session. During the first session, the client will receive the cancellation policy, limits of confidentiality, and mandatory reporting. The counselor will walk through these with the client and answer any questions in addition to setting expectations for future sessions.
  • Services Cost/Fees
    Fees vary per practicioner. Please consult the practicioner's profile page or contact the practicionor directly to learn more about their specific fees and whether or not they have a consultation fee. Individual Counseling Rates may vary based on your insurance and payment preferences. For more information on insurance policies and payment options, see here. Otherwise, feel free to reach out and we'll make sure all of your questions get answered. Family Counseling Rates may vary based on your insurance and payment preferences. For more information on insurance policies and payment options, see here. Otherwise, feel free to reach out and we'll make sure all of your questions get answered. Parent Coaching $100 – Intake Assessment $85 – Parent Coaching Session Continuous Performance Test ADD/ADHD Assessment $210 for 90 minutes with previous consultation Neurofeedback Neurofeedback by Licensed Clinician $10-$140 – Consultation $150-$175 – Intake Assessment $25 – Symptom Tracking (one time fee) $130-$140 – Session Neurofeedback by Master's Level Certified Technician $0 – Consultation $180 – Intake Assessment $25 – Symptom Tracking (one time fee) $150 – Session Neurofeedback by Bachelor's Level Certified Technician $75 – Intake Assessment $50 – Session Myndlift Home Neurofeedback Units ($250 non-refundable per month) $700 base price per household $100 each additional user Cygnet Neurofeedback Rental (1 month minimum subscription period; continued as needed) $600 Security Deposit – Your deposit will be refunded when the system is returned and checked for normal wear. $234/month – Cost of unit $10-140 – Session Brain Mapping (QEEG) $2,000 – 1 brain map (Contracted Mapping services with Dr. Nicole) $350 – 1 mini brain map ​ Price of maps may vary depending on need for specialist screenings. This may add $100 - $400 per map. Map turnaround time is approximately 45 days due to data processing and consultation.
  • What is Symptom Tracking and why is it important?
    Symptom Tracking is an email based web-service for you to track all of your progress through the neurofeedback or counseling process. It will automatically generate graphs to view trends in the symptoms you are tracking.
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